Sunday, 28 October 2012


kali ni aku nak bgie tutorial kat korang ...kali nie aku nak kat korang rom gingersony v06.. Rom milik Vınce kini dah pun mencapai versi ke 6 nya membawakan beberapa perubahan seperti :

*New Features & Many Improvements
*More fixes and libs from CM7.2 RC4
*Modified CMParts.apk
*Reverted back to the old Settings/background
*Adjustments to the audio libs
*Improved Scrolling and Flinging
*Improved Stability
*Improved overall (2D/3D) performance 
*More Smootheness
*Minor Fixes here and there
*Removed some useless codes from build.prop
*Faster boot time ( alfsv08a )
*Added few tweaks to
*Better RAM and CPU Management
*Media profiles update
*New bootanimation
*Updated Xperia S Launcher to V9.1b
*Improved transitions

Bagi yang berminat untuk mencuba rom ni korang boleh ikut arahan install dibawah :

1- Pastikan korang dah pun unlocked bootloader [rom ni hanya untuk pengguna yang dah pun unlocked bootloader phone masing-masing]
2- Download rom GingerSony dan masukkan kedalam memory kad.
3- Flash kernel nAa terbaru iaitu kernel nAa-14.
4- Selesai flash kernel, on kan phone masing-masing dan sebaik sahaja logo nAa keluar, tekan butang back banyak kali sehingga cwm-recovery muncul.
5- Pilih Wipe Data/Factory reset kemudian Wipe Cache.
6- Flash /install rom tadi dengan menggunakan cara "install custom zip>choose from sdcard>pilih file rom tadi.
7- Reboot dan enjoy.


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